Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2020)

Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Miryam de Lhoneux, Joakim Nivre, Sebastian Schuster (Editors)

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Barcelona, Spain (Online)
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2020)
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe | Miryam de Lhoneux | Joakim Nivre | Sebastian Schuster

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Verification, Reproduction and Replication of NLP Experiments : a Case Study on Parsing Universal DependenciesNLP Experiments: a Case Study on Parsing Universal Dependencies
Çağrı Çöltekin

As in any field of inquiry that depends on experiments, the verifiability of experimental studies is important in computational linguistics. Despite increased attention to verification of empirical results, the practices in the field are unclear. Furthermore, we argue, certain traditions and practices that are seemingly useful for verification may in fact be counterproductive. We demonstrate this through a set of multi-lingual experiments on parsing Universal Dependencies treebanks. In particular, we show that emphasis on exact replication leads to practices (some of which are now well established) that hide the variation in experimental results, effectively hindering verifiability with a false sense of certainty. The purpose of the present paper is to highlight the magnitude of the issues resulting from these common practices with the hope of instigating further discussion. Once we, as a community, are convinced about the importance of the problems, the solutions are rather obvious, although not necessarily easy to implement.

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From LFG To UD : A Combined ApproachLFG To UD: A Combined Approach
Cheikh M. Bamba Dione

This paper reports on a systematic approach for deriving Universal Dependencies from LFG structures. The conversion starts with a step-wise transformation of the c-structure, combining part-of-speech (POS) information and the embedding path to determine the true head of dependency structures. The paper discusses several issues faced by existing algorithms when applied on Wolof and presents the strategies used to account for these issues. An experimental evaluation indicated that our approach was able to generate the correct output in more than 90 % of the cases, leading to a substantial improvement in conversion accuracy compared to the previous models.

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Configurable Dependency Tree Extraction from CCG DerivationsCCG Derivations
Kilian Evang

We revisit the problem of extracting dependency structures from the derivation structures of Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG). Previous approaches are often restricted to a narrow subset of CCG or support only one flavor of dependency tree. Our approach is more general and easily configurable, so that multiple styles of dependency tree can be obtained. In an initial case study, we show promising results for converting English, German, Italian, and Dutch CCG derivations from the Parallel Meaning Bank into (unlabeled) UD-style dependency trees.

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First Steps towards Universal Dependencies for LazUniversal Dependencies for Laz
Utku Türk | Kaan Bayar | Ayşegül Dilara Özercan | Görkem Yiğit Öztürk | Şaziye Betül Özateş

This paper presents the first treebank for the Laz language, which is also the first Universal Dependencies Treebank for a South Caucasian language. This treebank aims to create a syntactically and morphologically annotated resource for further research. We also aim to document an endangered language in a systematic fashion within an inherently cross-linguistic framework : the Universal Dependencies Project (UD). As of now, our treebank consists of 576 sentences and 2,306 tokens annotated in light with the UD guidelines. We evaluated the treebank on the dependency parsing task using a pretrained multilingual parsing model, and the results are comparable with other low-resourced treebanks with no training set. We aim to expand our treebank in the near future to include 1,500 sentences. The bigger goal for our project is to create a set of treebanks for minority languages in Anatolia.

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Dependency annotation of noun incorporation in polysynthetic languages
Francis Tyers | Karina Mishchenkova

This paper describes an approach to annotating noun incorporation in Universal Dependencies. It motivates the need to annotate this particular morphosyntactic phenomenon and justifies it with respect to frequency of the construction. A case study is presented in which the proposed annotation scheme is applied to Chukchi, a language that exhibits noun incorporation. We compare argument encoding in Chukchi, English and Russian and find that while in English and Russian discourse elements are primarily tracked through noun phrases and pronouns, in Chukchi they are tracked through agreement marking and incorporation, with a lesser role for noun phrases.

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Universal Dependency Treebank for XibeUniversal Dependency Treebank for Xibe
He Zhou | Juyeon Chung | Sandra Kübler | Francis Tyers

We present our work of constructing the first treebank for the Xibe language following the Universal Dependencies (UD) annotation scheme. Xibe is a low-resourced and severely endangered Tungusic language spoken by the Xibe minority living in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. We collected 810 sentences so far, including 544 sentences from a grammar book on written Xibe and 266 sentences from Cabcal News. We annotated those sentences manually from scratch. In this paper, we report the procedure of building this treebank and analyze several important annotation issues of our treebank. Finally, we propose our plans for future work.